My Mission

As a Wellness Coach I help women find balance through mindset coaching, nutrition and movement/exercise

Let’s get you off the back burner and prioritize your needs GUILT FREE


My Story

I’m no stranger to burnout. As a single mom with a full time job I wasn’t doing a very good job at taking care of myself. My daughter always came first, job second, taking care of the home third, and I would find myself dead last on my own ‘to-do’ list. You can take a wild guess how often I would get to the end of that list. Almost never. I was neglecting myself, and my physical and mental health was suffering. I was burnt out and something needed to change.

I started paying close attention to my behaviors. How was I contributing to my own burnout and what could I do differently in my day to day to help me feel more balanced? So I started to make small changes in my everyday life to allow for some ‘me time’. I was learning to set boundaries to protect my energy while also honoring the energy of others. I began my recovery from perfectionism and started to reinvest that extra time and energy into myself. I learned to rest instead of needing to fill every waking moment with something to do.

And you know what I noticed? I became a better human all around. I had more patience for my daughter, I was more productive at work, I was way less stressed, I was eating better and moving more. All of these changes made me feel happier and healthier. I was actually living instead of just existing.

I took my life experiences and professional training, and designed a program that helps other women who are ready to recover from burnout so they can be active participants in their own lives